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Planning Board Minutes 3/3/2016

March 3, 2016
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member), Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)
Members Absent:    Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate) Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        

7:00PM Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.
Bob Holmes sat in for Jesse Lazar

It was Jesse Lazar’s last meeting, he did not attend, however Chair Condon thanked Mr. Lazar wishing him good luck in all his future endeavors .

Chair Condon explained that he and Planning Department Assistant, Colleen Giffin (myself), met before the meeting to discuss what had been previously discussed and decided by the Planning Board during a meeting that took place on July 17, 2014.
The minutes that follow are taken from the July 17, 2014 Planning Board Meeting:

Review Map of Route 9 and 31 to determine parcel designation for an Economic Revitalization Zones

The Board reviewed a tax map and discussed which parcels should be designated for the ERZ.
There resulted in two points of view: blanket the entire area or focus on the revitalization of just the parcel within the intersection. There was a discussion.
Discussion of which parcels should be designated
Focus on revitalization of just the intersection

Motion: Ms. VanderWende moved to designate as ERZ eligible, Lots 3, 4 and 64.
Ms. McEwen offered a friendly amendment to add Lots 5 & 6. Vice-Chair Lazar seconded.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; MacDonald, no; Frosch, yes.
The motion passed to add Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, & 64 as ERZ designees.
The ERZ discussion continued. Some members thought that all of Route 9 should be designated ERZ. Some members did not agree.

Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to designate all of the Highway Business on Route 9 as ERZ. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Roll Call Vote: McEwen, no; VanderWende, no; Condon, no; Lazar, no; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes.
The motion failed.

Preparation for Economic Revitalization Zone Business meeting to be held October 2 – list of businesses, review letter
The Board reviewed the draft letter to be sent to business owners in the Village Business District. Changes were made. The Board approved the letter.

Chair Condon explained that the Planning Department Assistant would write up the application for the Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credit Designation along with the supporting documentation needed which will contain the addresses with map and lot numbers for all of the businesses in the areas listed in the July 17 minutes. At the next Planning Board meeting, which will be after town elections, we will be electing new officers. At that time, we will designate someone to sit down with the Board of Selectmen and the Chair of the Zoning Board to present what we have done.
Chair Condon asked for any discussion or questions.

        Mr. Holmes: Why are there two forms with the ERZ information packet?
One form is for the town to fill out and sent to the state, the other is for the business wanting the tax credit to fill out and send to the state.
        Mr. Genest: How is the tax credit calculated?
The credit is based on a percent of the salary for each new full time job created and the lesser of: Either a percentage of the actual cost incurred for the project or a maximum credit for each new job created in the fiscal year.

Community Profile Steering Committee

  • Ms. McEwen and Ms. Cahoon brought us update on the now named Antrim 2020 Building Our Community Together project.
For Town Meeting the Committee will have an interactive display for the residents to share their concerns and ideas for Antrim’s future.
  • Some of the concerns of the CPC were that new people coming to the second meeting did not understand the process of the CPC. These people were fixated on projects that they wanted addressed, not the process leading up to the event. The final event will produce the projects that the town is interested in, not just individuals. Ms. McEwen and Ms. Cahoon are going to encourage the Co-Chairs Kristen Vance and Michael Rondeau to explain to any new volunteers that at this time it is about forming committees.

Business Meeting:

Approve February 4, 2016 Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to approve the meeting minutes as presented of February 4, 2016. Ms. McEwen seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Other Business:

  • Wording on applications changed to Representative of the Planning Board or wording such as that.
  • The option of reducing the number of meetings when the Planning Board is not needed. See Attached RSA.
  • Zoning map abbreviations for Antrim need to be changed in the 2016 ZO manual table of contents.
  • Description of pricing the application process broken down into exact amounts.
  • Site plan review-withdrawn or not approved: What to do with projects that never were approved. Space concerns in the Archives.
A discussion ensued about these topics.

The Board agreed that the Zoning abbreviations for the new 2016 Zoning Ordinance manual table of contents could be changed. They also agreed to adding a price break down on the applications for the documentation from the Registry of deeds.

The other issues will be discussed with Carol Ogilvie the town Consultant Planner.


Ms. Cahoon moved to adjourn 7:30 pm, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Land Board Use Assistant